McTimoney Chiropractic is a gentle technique, which uses only hands to make subtle adjustments on the bones of the body to maintain correct alignment of the spine allowing the body's nerve supply to work efficiently. If any part of the spinal column becomes misaligned for any reason, such as incorrect lifting, falls, stress, poor posture, car or sporting accidents or childbirth, then a nerve may become impinged, compressed or stretched, thereby distorting the information to the rest of the body, which can lead to pain, discomfort and restricted mobility.
Chiropractic seeks to eliminate the cause, not just treat the symptoms and the key to success is in the speed, dexterity and accuracy of the adjustments, which can relieve pain and discomfort, increase mobility and provide a route to better health.
Chiropractic is suitable for people of all ages including young babies, pregnant women and the elderly.
The following conditions often benefit from treatment:
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Pain, discomfort and stiffness in joints and bones
Muscular aches and pains
Sports injuries
Migraine and tension headaches
Whiplash injury
Childhood disorders
If you require any further information please contact us on 01304 203000 and speak to our receptionist or our McTimoney Chiropractor, Carol Ann Marsh, BSc (Hons)
Wherever possible, McTimoney Chiropractors work in co-operation with the patient's own doctor.
General Chiropractic Council Registration Number 02387
McTimoney Chiropractic
FREE Spine Check available by appointment
Initial Consultation and First Treatment
Adult ... up to 1 hour ... £70.00
Under 16 ... up to 1 hour ... £52.00
Follow Up Treatments
Adult ... up to 30 minutes ... £55.00
Under 16 ... up to 30 minutes ... £44.00
Add Extra Soft Tissue Work ... 15 minutes ... £25.00